Dinesh Objective Physics Pdfs
Dinesh Objective Physics Pdfs' title='Dinesh Objective Physics Pdfs' />IT sector, 4. GS Mains, First Attempt, Sociology optional, Kanpur Mrunal. Candidate Profile. Education. Introduction. Electronic Vs Paper material. Tempo and style. Working professional. Prelims CSAT General studies. Prelims CSAT Aptitude. Prelim accuracy. Mains Compulsory language paper. Mains Essay. General Studies Mains paper 1. General studies Mains paper 2. General studies Mains Paper 3. General Studies 4 Ethics, Integrity, aptitude. Dinesh Objective Physics Pdfs' title='Dinesh Objective Physics Pdfs' />Physics and Maths is an important and scoring subjects. This page contains Class 12 Physics and Maths Ebook Download along with NCERT Solutions Pdf. Toppers Interview Neha Jain IAS2013Rank12 4 years in IT sector, 400 marks in GS Mains, First Attempt, Sociology optional, Kanpur. Answer key UPSC Prelims 2016. Insights on Indias answer key for UPSC civil services prelims is considered as more authentic and dependable. Aaina a mental health advocacy newsletter published in India First four as pdfs. Volume 1, no. 1. March 2001. This is just to help each other. Dinesh Objective Physics Pdfs' title='Dinesh Objective Physics Pdfs' />GS4 Ethics case study answers in Mains 2. Mains answer writing Mains Optional Subject SOCIOLOGYBefore the interview. During the interview. Civil service Exam 2. Marksheet. Career Backup. Views on UPSC reforms. Insecurity about profile. Wisdom. Credit Friendsfamily. BOGUS Marketing Propaganda. Candidate Profile. Name. NEHA JAINRank in CSE 2. Roll No. 1. 00. 04. Age. 26. Total attempts in CSE1. Optional Subject. SOCIOLOGYMedium chosen for Mains answers. English. Schooling medium. English. College medium. English. Home towncity. Kanpur. Work experience if any. Bpm Studio Crack Full Version'>Bpm Studio Crack Full Version. IBM Software Labs, Bangalore. Details of other competitive exams, including successfailures. NONEDetails of coaching, mock tests, postal material for any competitive exam if usedByju classes for Prelims in Bangalore. Chronicle IAS for GS in Delhi. Vajiram and Ravi for Sociologyservice preference 1, 2 and 3. IAS, IFS,IPSstate cadre preference top. UP, AGMUT,Rajasthan. Education in class 1. Schooling MediumEnglish. Graduation course and B. Tech Computer Science Engineering. Name of college, city, passing out year. Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur, 2. Post graduation. NAAny other professional courses. Sun Certified Java Professional. IBM Certified SOA Associate. Hobbies Extra curricular. Sketching and Painting. Pursuing Buddhist Philosophy. Introduction. Q. Tell us something about yourself, your family, when and why did you enter in this field of competitive exams I was born and brought up in Kanpur. I was very fortunate that my parents provided for my education in reputed schools in the city which has added to my skills and personality. I am a software engineer by profession and a silver medalist in my college. I have served IBM India Pvt. Ltd. in this capacity for 3 years and 1. The technical nature of the job which required solemn and profound thinking did not quite match my skills as an outgoing extrovert always keen to interact with new people. I had a knack for administration and my friends would suggest me to go for an MBA degree. Personally I did not believe in an MBA and while I was contemplating on how to take my career ahead I delved into the finer aspects of life. I thought that the one life which we possess should be dedicated to the benefit of maximum people and not in selfish pursuit of money. I viewed money as a means to a greater end. With this sense of mission and wanting to pursue a path in which I could utilize my abilities to the maximum I chose to give Civil Services Examination a try. Fortunately, I was able to crack it in my first attempt. I take it as a sign that I am on the right path of my mission. Electronic Vs Paper material. Q. In recent times, there is spur in electronic material blogs, sites, pdfs, RSS feeds. Many aspirants feel bogged down by this information overload. So, how much do you rely on electronic material and how much on the paper material Books, newspapers If possible narrate a typical day in your studylife. Yes, of course there is an explosion of knowledge, but it has to be balanced by an explosion of wisdom. It is not humanly possible to devour all the information available. One should believe that whatever heshe is able to study is the best resource for himher. Striking a balance between paper material and electronic information is crucial. Newspaper editorials are well thought of and cover multiple dimensions. For me, You. Tube videos on topics like World History and Science and Tech have been of immense help. A typical day in my life would consist of two classes. General studies and 2 0. Sociology. Tired by the end of it I would sleep till 7 3. I tried to squeeze in every little chunk of time I had, to revise previous days class notes or even research for information which I was unsure of. I liked to cross check what the teacher taught in the class just to be sure. Also I used my smartphone to best help me in my studies. Be it planning, Wikipedia, blogs or random Quiz apps. From 1. 0pm to 2am, I tried to put in more value in each hour I studied. So, if you see the number of hours, they were hardly 5 6 hours a day. But to feel good I took my class time also as hours of study and would make sure I sat there with 1. On days when there were no classes, I aligned my target to the test series dates and made it a point to excel in them. In this way, aI would be prepared for that segment and b good marks would also boost my confidence. To achieve a big goal we have to break it down to smaller and more concrete action plans. Tempo and style. Q. People know what books and syllabus points are to be prepared. But most of them lack consistency in their preparation. Delphi List Odbc Drivers. So, how do you keep study momentum going on How do you fight against the mood swings and distractions First and foremost would be the sense of mission. When you sincerely believe that all these efforts and toiling is not for your own self but for a larger cause, then the strength to deal with mood swings automatically wells forth. Also for me a few role models really worked. Rank 1. 8 Tanu Priya whose interview Mrunal also published was a source of inspiration for me. She cracked it in her first attempt and something inside me told me that I could do it too. Being sad and dejected and doubting oneself is absolutely normal. One technique is called journaling whereby you write down all your fears on a piece of paper and tear that paper afterwards. I would start with my fears and end with reminding myself of the mission which lies ahead of me. Also, you discover yourself in the process of this exam. When it has to be studied, why not do it joyfully than to crib about it and put yourself through immense pain. Working professional. If youre a working professional, share some tips on how to manage studies with job. I took my prelims exam along with my job. I took my teammates and manager into confidence and told them about my plans. I also took weekend classes which would virtually go on for the entire day. On weekdays I would try to study atleast 1 hour in the morning before office. I involved in discussions with my colleagues on topics of general awareness. The tea time gossips were replaced by GS questions and this way I combined office fun with my studies. Very soon, I resigned and my major preparation came during my notice period. Study along with job is not impossible as earlier thought to be. Besides, earning also gives a sense of self worth. When you are absolutely sure of yourself and can live off your own money, then leaving a job can be worthwhile. At all times think to yourself what a great sacrifice you have made, study so hard so as to surprise yourself and make sure to use each hour wisely. Prelims CSAT General studies. Topicstrategybooklistcomment. History Ancient. Byju class lectures by Mr Tariq Mohd. Clonezilla Software Raid 1. Chronological events KingdomsCulture in each period. Wikipedia for in depth understanding. Atlas yes, atlas. The last few pages have historical maps of India. It helps visualize the extent of various kingdoms.