Estimating Process Equipment Installation
Estimating Process Equipment Installation' title='Estimating Process Equipment Installation' />Public Assistance Cost Estimating Format Standard Operating Procedure. This Standard Operating Procedure SOP provides an overview of the Cost Estimating Format CEF for Large Projects and guidance on how to use the CEF tool. The SOP also discusses FEMA Headquarters large project reporting requirements. What reference information is available on the CEF for Large Projects All documents referenced above can be located on the FEMA Web site at public assistance resources and tools. For which Large Projects can the CEF be used to estimate costs The CEF should only be used on large projects for which the permanent restorative work categories C, D, E, F, and G is less than 9. Sony Cd Architect 5 2 Crackers'>Sony Cd Architect 5 2 Crackers. Estimating Process Equipment Installation' title='Estimating Process Equipment Installation' />Percent complete for all types of projects including improved and alternate projects is calculated by dividing the amount of approved contractor invoices for eligible work by the approved construction contract amount for eligible work and multiplying the resulting decimal by 1. What is the process for preparing an estimate for a Large Project using the CEF The Public Assistance PA Group Supervisor or designee will determine which local factors to use to develop the project cost estimate. Specific factors include unit price sources, city cost indices if applicable, and local costs for plan checks, building permits, or special reviews. The PA Group Supervisor will collect and evaluate this information for use in all CEF analyses at the beginning of each disaster. Project Specialists will determine the eligible scope of work and base costs Part A of the CEF including Special Considerations and appropriate Section 4. CEF criteria. Projects Specialists will complete Part A of the CEF in accordance with the guidance provided in the Cost Estimating Format for Large Projects Instructional Guide. All work activities needed to perform the eligible scope of work must include a written description of the scope of work, the cost item reference Construction Specifications Institute CSI based, cost code reference if FEMA cost codes are used, the unit linear foot LF, square foot SF, each EA, cubic yard CY, etc. LS, the quantity or measurement, the unit cost, and the quantity cost. Project Specialists will adjust each line items unit price and subtotal cost to reflect the city cost index where the work will take place. Xex Menu Live Download more. Project Specialists will document the eligible scope of work on the CEF Fact Sheet. Documentation must include detailed supporting backup information such as site maps or location plan, photographs, sketches, calculations, measurements, insurance declarations, anticipated or actual insurance settlement, Section 4. Hazard Mitigation Proposals HMP, construction permits and clearances, force account summary sheets, and codes and standards described in the CEF Notes Sheet. For major construction activities for example water control facilities and large buildings, the applicant should submit to the Project Specialist schematic drawings, a set of plans preferably reduced to 1. The applicant should keep copies of source documents such as invoices, vouchers, timesheets, purchase orders, item slips, weight slips, plans and specifications, and insurance policies. After the eligible scope of work and its base costs are completed in Part A, the Project Specialist will complete Parts B through H the factors applied to the base cost of the CEF. The Project Specialist will develop separate summaries for completed and uncompleted work. The Project Specialist will document assumptions used in selecting factors B through H on the CEF Notes sheet. The Project Specialist will complete the Project Cost section of the PW as follows Item Enter sequential item number. Code 9. 00. 0Narrative add statement See attached CEF spreadsheet for itemized unit price estimate particularsQuantityUnit 1 LS lump sumUnit Price use the total estimate value from the CEF spreadsheet. Apply appropriate cost adjustments to the CEF line item 1 e. The Total Project Cost will reflect the final eligible cost after any cost adjustments. The following steps will then be performed The Project Specialist will print the Excel file containing the CEF estimate and attach it to the PW. All applicable supporting back up documentation noted above must be attached to the CEF spreadsheet. The Project Specialist will submit the completed PW and the CD ROM containing the electronic CEF spreadsheet to the Public Assistance Coordination PAC Crew Leader for review. The PAC Crew Leader will review, approve, and submit a paper and electronic copy of the PW and CEF documentation to the Data Coordinator for entry into EMMIE. The Total Cost block of the PW will be used as the basis for obligating the Federal share of the large project cost. When applicants complete large projects and submit project documentation to the State and FEMA, FEMA will reconcile actual eligible costs against estimated costs, except for alternate and improved projects. If the Project Specialist requires assistance with any part of the CEF, the PAC Crew Leader will request a Technical Specialist a cost estimator, engineer, environmental specialist, historic preservation specialist, insurance specialist, etc. Side Abs Training Courses more. Ordering Specialist. Refer to the CEF for Large Projects Instructional Guide for more detail. What is the process for preparing an estimate for a Large Project if CEF is not used The Project Specialist will prepare the eligible scope of work and cost estimate using the standard damage assessment cost estimating procedures see the Public Assistance Guide FEMA 3. The applicant should submit the same back up and source documentation for all large projects formulated with or without CEF. The Data coordinator will scan all applicable supporting back up documentation and attach to the PW. If the Project Specialist requires assistance with any part of the CEF, the PAC Crew Leader will request a Technical Specialist a cost estimator, engineer, environmental specialist, historic preservation specialist, insurance specialist, etc. Ordering Specialist. What are the appropriate references for unit prices in preparing Part A base costs Project Specialists will request average weighted unit prices local costs derived from actual contract history from the applicant or relevant Stateregional agency e. Department of Transportation in order to develop Part A of the CEF. The Project Specialist should evaluate the average weighted unit price information for applicability to the eligible scope of work and consistency over a reasonable time period. The Project Specialist may use the FEMA Cost Codes, but is not required to do so. The FEMA Regional offices issue cost codes at the beginning of a Joint Field Office JFO operation. The cost codes represent complete and in place costs i. Wwwdecracom General Installation DECRA Villa Tile 3 Introduction The instructions and drawings included here are intended only as a guide for the installation of DECRA. Learn about the cost estimating process in IT project management by getting examples and definitions of cost estimation terms, in this free chapter download. OSP Fiber Optic Installation All fiber optic applications are not the same. At the FOA, were mainly concerned with communications fiber optics telco, CATV, LAN. Search Department of Administrative Services Search the current Agency with a Keyword Filtered Topic Search. The Irrigation Association is the leading membership organization for irrigation equipment and system manufacturers, dealers, distributors, designers, consultants. Estimating Process Equipment Installation' title='Estimating Process Equipment Installation' />The Project Specialist may use the current edition of industry standard construction cost estimating resources e. RSMeans, BNi Costbooks, Marshall Swift, Sweets Unit Cost Guide, etc. Part A base costs. The PA Group Supervisor should order at a minimum one copy of each of the following cost data books for use by PA staff at the JFO ADA Compliance Pricing Guide Facilities.