Install Provider Microsoft.Ace.Oledb.12.0

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TV1FraQNFEA/UZugbxDWUiI/AAAAAAAAAhA/XeBYDvQ1ZR0/s1600/5.jpg' alt='Install Provider Microsoft.Ace.Oledb.12.0' title='Install Provider Microsoft.Ace.Oledb.12.0' />The OLE DB provider Microsoft. Ace. OLEDB. 1. 2. Msg 7. 39. 9, Level 1. State 1, Line 2. The OLE DB provider Microsoft. Ace. OLEDB. 1. 2. Access denied. Msg 7. Level 1. 6, State 2, Line 2. Cannot get the column information from OLE DB provider Microsoft. Ace. OLEDB. 1. 2. There are multiple reasons and multiple solutions to this problem. Install Provider Microsoft.Ace.Oledb.12.0' title='Install Provider Microsoft.Ace.Oledb.12.0' />I will explain all the ones that I found while researching on the net and which together helped me to solve mine. Solution 1. First you need to check whether you have installed the 2. Office System Driver Data Connectivity Components which is necessary for Microsoft OLEDB ACE 1. So if you have not done that download it by clicking the link below. Office System Driver Data Connectivity Components. Once you downloaded and installed it on your system restart your machine to see if the issue is resolved for you or not. The Ole Db provider MSDAORA has not been registered. Hi all,I had fun going on working with Oracle on Windows 7 64 bit which is my development machine. I figured. Hi, Thanks for your reply, but if I run the same build in other serversof same 64 bit OS version it is running fine. I am facing this problem only, if i. How to import data form excel with multiple worksheets to a single sql server table I too had this problem, but as Adam H seems to indicate, you might need to install the 23734 download i. Office Access Engine as well. Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has provided solutions to the issue The OLE DB provider ampquotMicrosoft. Ace. OLEDB. 12. 0ampquot for linked server ampquotnullampquot. JneN2.png' alt='Install Provider Microsoft.Ace.Oledb.12.0' title='Install Provider Microsoft.Ace.Oledb.12.0' />Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has explained how to resolve the error The Microsoft. ACE. OLEDB. 12. 0 provider is not registered on the local machine. This error occurs when. Im trying to get data from an Excel file on a button click event. My connection string is string connString ProviderMicrosoft. ACE. OLEDB. 12. 0Data SourceC. Solution 2. Check whether the user login that you are accessing has rights on SQL Server Service or not. If not you will have to give your credentials so that the SQL Service runs using your login credentials. Steps. 1. Close SQL Server Management Studio. Type Services. msc in the run command to open the services window. Search for SQL Server Service and right click it and select properties as shown below. In the Log On Tab, select This Account. Click on Browse and type your login name there and the click on Check Names. Once it finds your login name press OK. Now type your logins passwords in both the fields as shown below press apply and then ok. Restart the services so that the new changes are applied as shown in figure below. Now start SQL Server Management Studio and try to run the query if still not working try a system restart. Solution 3. Run the following Query in your SQL Server Management Studio close it and start again. USE master  GO  EXEC master. MSsetoledbprop NMicrosoft. ACE. OLEDB. 1. 2. NAllow. In. Process, 1  GO  EXEC master. MSsetoledbprop NMicrosoft. ACE. OLEDB. 1. 2. NDynamic. Parameters, 1  GO  I tried all of the above three solutions to get rid of the above error of which the first one is necessary If any has some other solution that helped him solve the issue please share. Microsoft. ACE. OLEDB. For all those still affected by this. Ive been getting the error. OLEDB error The Microsoft. ACE. OLEDB. 1. 2. OP, Shailesh Sahu. I have 6. 4bit Windows 7. My problem is within Power. Shell scripts, but is using a connection string, similar to the OPs post, so hopefully my findings can be applied to C, Power. Shell and any other language relying on the Microsoft. ACE. OLEDB driver. I followed instructions on this MS forum thread http goo. Rm. II first tried installing the 6. Access. Database. Engine. exe from this page. But still no joy. I then ran the code below in Power. Digimon World Championship Pc. Shell from SQL Pandas site http goo. A3. Hu. 96New Object system. Get. Elements select SOURCESNAME, SOURCESDESCRIPTION. Ive removed other data sources for brevity. SOURCESNAME SOURCESDESCRIPTION. Microsoft. ACE. OLEDB. Microsoft Office 1. Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider. As you can see, I have Microsoft. ACE. OLEDB. 1. 5. Microsoft. ACE. OLEDB. So, I amended my connection string to 1. So, a quick Power. Shell snippet to demonstrate how to soft code the version. Ace. Version New Object System. Data. Ole. Db. Ole. Db. Enumerator. Get. Elements Where Object. SOURCESNAME like Microsoft. ACE. OLEDB Sort Object SOURCESNAME Descending Select Object First 1 SOURCESNAME. SOURCESNAME. conn. String ProviderAce. Version Data Sourcefilepath Extended PropertiesExcel 1. Xml HDRNO. ACE version, if more than one. Hopefully, anyone finding this can now check to see what OLEDB version is installed and use the appropriate version number.